iOS 12 may come to the iPhone 5S after all

With the iPhone 5 missing out on the iOS 11 upgrade at the tail end of last year, we expected to see the iPhone 5S be up for the chopping block when iOS 12 rolls around, but a new rumor suggests that's not the case.

A test on WebKit (an open source browser engine that's used within Safari) shows a listing from earlier in the year where the iPhone 5S was packed with iOS 12 software.

It's not guaranteed to mean Apple will upgrade the iPhone 5S to the new software, but it does suggest the company is open to the idea and ready to test the older device with iOS 12.

When will we know?

Whether the iPhone 5S ultimately gets iOS 12 will likely come down to how the phone runs with the new software, and considering it's a device from 2013 it may not be powerful enough to handle the update.

It's expected iOS 12 will focus on reliability and improved battery life on all devices, rather than sweeping new features that change the way you use your iPhone.

We expect to learn more in the coming months, with iOS 12 likely to be launched at WWDC 2018, which is on from June 4 until June 8 this year. So during that event we'll also be likely to find out if your iPhone 5S will get upgraded or not.

Via Phone Arena

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