Oh snap: New Snap Spectacles will be announced sometime this week

Fads by definition fade over time, but Snapchat and its ephemeral messages aren't going away any time soon. What's more, the company's video-capturing glasses are in for a refresh, and it's happening this week. 

That's according to an in-depth Wired article, which, while highlighting the messaging platform's new Snappables games, also revealed Snap will announce an updated version of the Spectacles glasses later this week. 

There's really not much more on the new glasses other than the fact an announcement is happening, though we've asked Snap for more details and will update this article if those are forthcoming. 

Signs have pointed to the impending arrival a new version of Snap Spectacles for a few weeks now.

Though the sunglasses that allow you to take 10-second video clips haven't exactly been a smash hit, recent FCC documents revealed a 'Model 002' of the Spectacles passed through its regulatory channels. 

Cheddar also reported in March that Spectacles 2.0 were in the offing this year, and yet another updated version will be available in 2019.

Get your Snappables

Snap officially announced today the arrival of Snappables, which let you play games against your friends using the platform's famous augmented reality lenses. 

Gameplay is controlled with touch, gestures and facial expressions; raising your eyebrows lets you lift a virtual dumbbell, for example. 

You can see Snappables in action in the video below, and while these look like silly ways to while away the time, Snap is certainly banking on you spending plenty of time in its app while playing them. 

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