Razer Phone 2: what we want to see

The Razer Phone has set the standard for what a gaming smartphone should be. It has top-end specs, like so many flagship phones, but truly stands out with its 120Hz display. Tapping into its roots as a PC-focused company, Razer knows that games are only as good as the screen that you play them on.

Looking forward, there’s a ton of potential for the Razer Phone 2. From the more obvious improvements, like jumping up to Snapdragon 845, to design and software changes, we’ve put together a list of what we want to see out of the next gaming phone to rule them all.

Cut to the chase

What we want to see

Razer Phone

A refined design

That the Razer Phone adopted the look of the Nextbit Robin was a bit of a surprise. Opinion of its blocky design varies wildly among those in our office (though I like it quite a bit), so most of us are looking to Razer’s next phone to shake things up.

The answer doesn’t lie simply in rounding off the corners or making it an all-glass affair, but there are certainly a few ways in which Razer can inject some unique design in its next phone. 

Judging from its lineup of PC peripherals, the company knows a thing or two about designing with curves. Another key component of Razer design is RGB lights – and a lot of them. Curiously, the Razer Phone features absolutely none, and that might have been a wise move until the company could figure out how to balance them visually what with their probable impact to battery performance.

A headphone port with DAC

Is it too much to ask for a headphone port? Looking at the Razer Phone, there’s ample room for it, so its omission is perhaps more inexcusable than other phones that lopped off the feature. 

In addition to the 3.5mm port on the Razer Phone 2, we’d like to see it juiced up with a DAC of some sort, like we’ve seen with the LG V30 and previous models in that series. Razer’s screen tech is next-level, but limiting this phone to USB-C or wireless headphones is a downside

Stereo speakers

Dual front-facing speakers can really make an impact in the day-to-day use of a phone. Whether you spend spare time watching YouTube videos or playing games, front-facing speakers elevate the experience – just try going back to a phone with a speaker that fires away from your face.

Razer did well to include this feature in the Razer Phone, so all we’re asking is that it keeps it from the successor.

Razer Mamba Hyperflux

Wireless charging

The Razer Phone doesn’t support wireless charging, but there’s little reason why its sequel should be limited. 

If the company’s next phone is made with glass, that would be perhaps the easiest way to make that happen. But looking at its Hyperflux wireless charging technology currently employed with PC peripherals like the Razer Mamba Hyperflux, it seems like this feature is destined to make an appearance on its upcoming phone

Timely updates

The Razer Phone launched in November 2017, well after Android Oreo launched, yet it came with Android Nougat built-in. After only just receiving the Oreo update in April 2018, we hope that the next model comes with Android P built into the phone should it happen to arrive after Google’s new software.

A phone that adopts new software quickly is likely to become a fan-favorite, but Razer’s time with Nougat certainly didn’t spoil the experience. That’s partially due to its Nova Launcher software. It’s likely to keep with that going forward, only upgrading when its launcher is compatible with Google’s software.

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