Battle Of The Digital Assistants : Introducing The Smartest Digital Assistant The World ...And It's Not Siri

Digital assistants have quickly become part of our everyday lives and we can't help but thank this little assistants for helping us with a whole lot of tasks. They may be making us lazy but they make things a bit convenient. Instead of turning off the lights, you could simply say "Alexa , turn off the lights" and it's done.

Just like our smartphones, Assistants come in different forms and of course one of them has to be smarter than the rest.

Several studies have shown that Google Assistant is the most intelligent and most capable of understanding the users. A new assessment by Stone Temple Consulting has come back to show this point, with a highlight for the learning that was done last year.

This study compared each of the assistants with over 5 thousand different questions, recording the answers given and their degree of correctness. At the same time, compared with last year’s figures.
The Google assistant win is total, with more than 90% of the questions answered and with an 80% correction grade.

It’s interesting to see that when Google Assistant switched from smartphones to Google Home the value  actually changes. Here the answers given fall to 85% and its correction is only 65%.
The competition eventually stayed away, with the exception of the Cortana that was very close. We have Alexa answering 80% of the questions, but only 50% correct and Siri, who also answered 80% of the questions and got only 40% of the answers. Quite poor for Siri I must say 

Analysis of answers given by Google Assistant

A second study, done by ROAST, focused on Google Assistant answers
I still think there is still much work to be done to make these systems more efficient and with a greater degree of accuracy. For now, they are useful, but they require users to learn to understand the information presented. The future will bring more capable assistants with even greater capabilities.

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