MTN Working On Launching 5G Network In Nigeria Soon - How To Get Access To It

Initially when 4G LTE was launched on MTN , It was superfast but as the number of subscribers using 4G increased we all noticed a little drop in speed. Now MTN wants to launch 5G in Nigeria.

The question is - How many smartphones actually use 5G now ?

Yeah. None.

Although 5G should become a global standard by the year 2020 and companies like Nokia and Intel are spearheading the movement. I'd say is a good move from the South African owned Telecom Company but they should try to reduce how their network zaps data. However companies like Huawei already have plans of releasing 5G devices soon. Their first device with 5G should be available in the third quarter of 2019.

Earlier this year, MTN Nigeria conducted it's first ever 5G technology test in partnership with Ericsson and hit 20Gbps with less than 5ms latency in the 5G trial. MTN  received a temporary license for 800MHz of spectrum in the 15GHz band to conduct its 5G trials.

Imagine what you can do with 5G technologies running at your disposal

 MTN NG will be conducting TECHFEST 2018, a two days event that would provide relevant product education, new technology and geeks, future tech projections, tech solutions, tech devices and gadgets, MTN’s tech offerings and new technologies to the attendees of the event.
The Major highlights of the event would be the Introduction of MTN 5G network. I’m sure you don’t want to miss that. Its happening live in Lagos 15-16 of May 2018. Click here to register.

From now anything that has to do with 2G or 3G in my life -

How To Get Access To It

That was actually clickbait -😁😁..You'll have to wait till 2020. See ya

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