Another Fake Miracle: Woman Vomits Frog As Prophet Cures Her Of Drunkenness [Photos]

For 19 years Annah Maluleka, 32 from South Africa said she lived as a drunkard with no direction in life. She moved from one kasi to another and didn’t have a stable relationship.

Annah had no idea what caused her misery. But it now seems the mystery has been solved.

She said she went to church on Sunday, where she was prayed for by a prophet. But she got the shock of her life when she got home. Anna said she was eating when she suddenly felt nauseous.

“I started vomiting into a bucket and when I looked there was a frog,” she said.

She said she quickly called her mum.

“When my mum got there, I told her I’d vomited a frog, but she thought I was joking. She then took it and we went back to church,” she said.

Anna said the prophet told her the frog was making her life hell.

She said if the frog was the problem, she was happy her life return to normal.

“I was told by many sangomas and churches about this thing, but I didn’t believe them until Sunday.

Her mum Joyce (54) said there was no peace in their home because of Anna.

“Things will change now that my obedient child is back.”

Prophet Rosinah Mooke (70) said she knew something was going to happen after she prayed for Annah. Toor!

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