Quantum Benchmark to Integrate with Google’s Quantum Platform

Canada’s quantum computing industry got a huge boost when one of the largest companies in the world selected a homegrown company as their specialized provider.

Google has announced that they will use True-Q software built by Kitchener’s Quantum Benchmark and integrate it into their new open-source quantum computing platform Cirq. Developers working on projects in the field will be able to use Quantum Benchmark’s software as a way to measure how reliable their results are, an important aspect considering how quantum computing is still a relatively unstable and fickle technology.

“We are excited to be working with Google to build the software ecosystem for quantum computing and expand the leading edge of hardware capabilities,” says Joseph Emerson, CEO of Quantum Benchmark. “This opportunity highlights the value and reputation of our technology, our commitment to the Cirq ecosystem, and our ability to serve hardware vendors and large-scale industry users on this platform.”

As of now, errors are commonplace in quantum computing, but if those errors can be managed and kept in check, quantum computers can usher in unheard-of capabilities that could tackle the world’s most-pressing computational problems. Quantum Benchmark can use their True-Q suite to aid in error characterization, error suppression, error correction and performance validation.

Cirq is Google’s quantum development project, and True-Q’s implementation into the platform will allow for turn-key access to Quantum Benchmark’s solutions. This is a big step forward for both companies, as it shows Google’s commitment to pushing the boundaries of the field and working with outside company’s stacks.

“When we built our framework for quantum programming, a key philosophy was that surfacing the gritty details of the noise and performance of quantum hardware was going to be essential for algorithm development on near-term quantum computers,” said Dave Bacon, quantum software lead at Google. “We are delighted Quantum Benchmark has integrated True-Q with Cirq, as it provides a world-class suite of tools for characterizing quantum hardware. By making the unknowns of processors known, algorithm developers will be able to tailor algorithms to specific devices, which can sometimes be the difference between the algorithm offering quantum advantage or not.”

The agreement is essential as quantum computing enters an important period where errors in processes can no longer be checked efficiently by computers. Quantum Benchmark helps bridge that gap and enable quicker growth of the industry. The Kitchener company is among the first in the world to have commercialized this kind of technology.

This isn’t the first time Quantum Benchmark has worked with a major player in the tech world. Earlier this year, they were one of the first companies to join IBM’s Q Network, a worldwide community dedicated to the progress of quantum computing and how it could interact as a practical application for both research and business.

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