Tealbook to Help Establish AI-Powered Indigenous Entrepreneur Community

An important part of one of Canada’s biggest AI projects is working to help entrepreneurs find new ways to innovate and conduct business.

Tealbook is working with the Canadian Council for Aboriginal Businesses (CCAB) to help establish an AI-powered community for qualified Indigenous entrepreneurs that are looking to pick up procurement contracts. This new virtual marketplace and community is set to launch later this year.

Both Tealbook and the CCAB are part of SCALE.AI, the AI supercluster announced earlier this year, one of five superclusters that encompass a $950 million project. Together, these two along with other partners will leverage AI to improve the supply chain process in Canada.

“This initiative is really what SCALE AI is about: technology-based collaboration between partners, with the potential to make a difference globally,” says Tristan Mallet, interim CEO of the SCALE AI supercluster. “The leadership of CCAB and tealbook will strengthen Aboriginal businesses in Canada – a key objective of the consortium. As SCALE AI ramps up its operations, we look forward to supporting such partnerships and help them scale up to deliver global impact.”

Tealbook will use their turnkey solution to improve supplier information in one profile by making it easier for those suppliers to differentiate their company and keep all information and certifications in one central and easily-accessible location. This platform will use AI to develop an easily-searchable database, allowing CCAB members to find the suppliers most relevant to their business needs. In the long run, this will drive more business towards Indigenous suppliers and those with CCAB certifications.

“Our team is really excited about offering an affordable turn-key AI platform to CCAB members,” said tealbook founder and CEO Stephany Lapierre. “The creation of a single platform that connects Aboriginal-owned suppliers to interested buyers has enormous implications for greater Indigenous participation in Canada’s economy. We are proud to contribute our technological expertise to this important economic and social enterprise.”

Each company listed on the platform will be a Certified Aboriginal Business, meaning they are verified to be at least 51-per cent Aboriginal owned. This work with Tealbook is part of the Supply Change initiative led by CCAB. Participation in this program is offered to any company that wants to include Indigenous businesses int heir supply chains.

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