Funding for Supply Chain Supercluster SCALE AI set at $290 Million

The Government of Canada has pledged even more money to fund the country’s AI ecosystem.

At today’s G7 Multistakeholder Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Montreal, the conclusion of a $230 million agreement between the Government of Canada and SCALE AI (one of the five previously announced superclusters) was announced. In total, $950 million will be spread over the five superclusters.

The Government of Quebec has also announced a $60 million contribution to support SCALE AI and IVADO LABS, an organization created to support and guide companies when working with the supercluster.

“With this major funding, we will initiate projects that combine machine learning, operations research and data science, affirming Canada’s leadership in the industrial application of these leading-edge technologies,” said Hélène Desmarais, co-chair of the board at SCALE AI.

This massive amount of pledged investments will allow SCALE AI to begin and scale operations as well as initiate industry-defining projects that will influence how AI and supply chain management work together.

“SCALE AI will kickstart digitization of supply chains, which is of critical importance in making Canadian companies more competitive. With our innovative and sustainable solutions, we will be contributing concretely to the international reach and influence of our companies,” added Louis Roy, another co-chair at SCALE AI.

At the G7 conference, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau said this investment will create over 16,000 new jobs and add over $16 billion into Canada’s economy over the next decade.

“This is what it’s all about,” said Trudeau in his address at the conference. “It’s about harnessing new technology to create more opportunities for people to succeed. It’s about building a better future for all Canadians.”

In comparison, the B.C.-based supercluster working in digital technology will receive $153 million in funding.

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