Actors Lead Fake Lives On Social Media - Belinda Effah

Actress, Belinda Effah, has said she is not comfortable with the lifestyle that a lot of her colleagues portray on social media. Effah told Sunday Scoop that many of them portrayed an image that was a façade.

She said, “The things I see posted on social media by my colleagues are appalling. It is sad because they are not representing the industry well to the society. I know how much some people make, yet the lifestyle they portray is way above their means.

For those people, I’ll like to know how they made it so that others can learn from them. But if you cannot explain your source of income, you shouldn’t mislead others. If you’re portraying a lavish lifestyle on social media, people would naturally believe that you are okay. And when issues such as health crisis occur, they would be reluctant to come to your aid.

“On my social media pages, I always like to keep it real and advise my fans to do so too. That you have doesn’t mean you must flaunt it on social media. Most people that have don’t flaunt it online anyway.”

Effah also disagreed with the popular belief that actresses make more than their male colleagues. “I don’t think that actresses make more than their male colleagues. It has to do more about the class you fall into, how you present yourself, and how well you can negotiate.

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